Schleicher Autowaschtechnik GmbH

In der Eller 2
36119 Neuhof
OT Dorfborn



On-board high-pressure wheel and sill washer

System Maschinenbau Schleicher

The frame of the on-board high pressure wheel and sill washer is made of glass pearl blasted stainless steel. The unit moves along with the car for almost 2 meters so that sills and wheels get a prolonged treatment.

This swipe-free cleaning procedure guarantees the best possible cleaning results of these problematic areas.

The combination with a cranked aggregate - such as our roof-roller or our unit with three rollers – makes a space saving placement possible.

The aggregate is driven by two electric motors with frequency converters.

The standard high pressure pump generates a pressure of 70 bar at a through flow volume of 70 liters a minute.